Thursday, October 27, 2011


-Things started off as fairytale you where my superwoman. The one I ran to when the world was against me. The only thing I felt was real, A dream within this collapsing reality. Our heart played the same song, connected within every beat feelings of love flowing through every verse. lost in each other arms it was our comfort, believing we can with stand all obstacles, as long as it was WE....

-Time passed and the love we once share slowly faded in front of our very eyes, the smiles turned into frowns, joy turned into pain and what once was no longer is . Our passions and dreams soon drifted our dream world collapsed. Forgetting the passion and commit, leaving behind laughter and memories, wishing we could wrap just one finger around it as soon as time hit us we drifted maybe this love wasn't for ever but only for a season.....

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About Me

my autobiography is my poetry. Anything else is just a footnotes