Saturday, December 25, 2010
Robin Thicke - Superman
I wouldn't mind being someone's Lois Lane (virtuous woman), but with in every, wish reality sets in, im pretty content..
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

all she needed was to love her.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Unborn Child

I am already in love with you,its no longer a fear that you've captured my heart,we have yet to meet and probably wont meet for a very long time,my only fear for you is that, I'm not worthy, to be in your presence, how beautiful you are, I've never felt this way about anyone before, my love for you is like no other. One that wont fade with time the only thing that can part us is death. i can promise you protection, my love for you is pure, i can give you all of me, i give you my mind body and soul, when everyone else around see's the worse you, i will be there to only see the best. through it all. I'll be there to pick you when you trip in fall, uplifting you constantly, teaching you to be Unafraid to fight for what you believe. my fears are that i wont be enough , i wont be the person you need, what if i cant change into this person you need to survive , the person you depend on your life will be in my hands. I'm afraid i wont ever be enough, but know no matter what i pray , you'll still love me..
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Waiting To EXHALE

The Beauty of her stature, and the grace of her walk, is enough to capture the eyes of any person she wants, spoken words of pain , strong but has been kicked, down so much she feels useless, a walking vessels with no purpose. Trying to find her place in this world, she began this journey too nowhere, fighting for nothing, trying to just find something to live for.
Beneath every smile was pain, though the world thought she was happy, breathing in pain sealing it up with hurt.. she's numb being her self was never enough. Hiding beneath this shattered ego and Tarnished heart, no one see's the real her, she yarns for a breath of fresh air a chance to be free, live happy , whether she dies young, her heart yarns for love its wanting it needing it, but will it ever come, waiting to exhale.. or maybe even just to Breath she waits...
Beneath every smile was pain, though the world thought she was happy, breathing in pain sealing it up with hurt.. she's numb being her self was never enough. Hiding beneath this shattered ego and Tarnished heart, no one see's the real her, she yarns for a breath of fresh air a chance to be free, live happy , whether she dies young, her heart yarns for love its wanting it needing it, but will it ever come, waiting to exhale.. or maybe even just to Breath she waits...
While im living i am slowly dying, so slow i try to make it last, i envision better days but they all seem to be a thing of the past.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Silly of me..

silly of me to think that you were my friend ?
I mean maybe there were some alternative motives, that you felt but never trust you with everything in me, i cant believe its came to this, you throw dirt on my name when, all i did was help you try to make it through this I mean too see me happy must of not been good enough for you,you rather talk behind my back and lie so that, you can be ..the one who i decided to run to I mean to say you weren't there when i needed you would be a hell of lie.but for all the good things you've done this one.. makes me wonder why,through your rampages and your plenty of sobs and heartbreaks i was there i mean, in spite of it too see me happy bothered you that much ?I'm no longer angry at what you did but more, hurt that, you would even do it,when ever you needed me to defend i was the one who would do it Ive become numb to the fact that you talked about me behind my back to someone else it was the fact as close as we were, i would expect you to.. hold me down without a doubt, things can never be the same because any trust we had is gone, i see a lot people come ago but this one hurts the most, i hate to say it but i wont, i wanna cry but i don't, i leave this friendship in this blog because whats was there is dead and gone i say goodbye because staying would be dumb.. fuck you..The loss of a friend is like that of a limb. Time may heal the anguish of the wound, but the loss cannot be repaired. - Robert Southey
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Another piece of furniture

I sit here being ignored, i haven't been dusted in while, she has forgot about me, I no longer matter I have no use ..
she covers me with clothe because, what i was once used for is no longer needed ..
she pretends i don't exist ,
but still wants to keep me around for own selfish ways.
so she leaves me here too rust, foolishly,
there's no where for me to go.
My feet feel planted
they can all see the reflection in me ... its of her, i long to please her,
seeing her and only her i stay ..
while she see's him i see her ,
i try to add a lil shine to my smile so that maybe one day she see's me, or maybe i wont be just there,
waiting to be used longing for her attention or even just her TOUCH..
I'll wait no matter how many days..
months or years it takes i'll wait.. for that day when im no longer just a another Piece of Furniture....
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Her Brief Exit

The person i once knew became the person of the past, i seem to forget about what happen but, still the things we thought were once funny still happen to make me laugh, promises seemed to fade and the voices started to disappear, i wished for you arrival but there's no use you where never really here the things i could of said or the tears i could of saved, weren't worth all the pain
I'm not saying i miss you but, I'm not saying i don't, I'm glad your gone in one aspect but in another i wish you would have stayed but, for both of us saying goodbye is what kept us sane..
i would of like to keep you near but some things seem to fade with time, i understand you had to leave but selfish me , i wish you wouldn't have left me behind.
i would of like to keep you near but some things seem to fade with time, i understand you had to leave but selfish me , i wish you wouldn't have left me behind.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Sexually Compatible

in my past ive lived this -soul
Thursday, September 16, 2010

we pretend we don't care when our emotions show otherwise, we hide the fact that we love each others touch, we show no love out in public, but in close doors, where inseparable, we laugh at the other couples, who argue about ignorant stuff, we portray are self's as if we have no feelings so that if one of us decides to call it quits it wont hurt. we don't understand, that we have the upper hand, but still in the same instants two left feet.. our friendship has become more then that though our title maybe misunderstood or even naive, we feel each others fears.. touch each others spirits. no longer should we have to put on a front as if were nothing but strangers, eventually we should become one, not afraid of what could happen or what the future may hold, taking each others, body mind and soul and making it one, no one around us has to understand, but without telling them, they can feel it, the touch of love, the hug of joy the kiss of forever.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
If you really knew me...

Born in the summer Jamaica queens hospital premature, almost didn't make it , had to have blood transplant. i could of left this earth way to quickly, but god wouldn't let me go.. lived in Brooklyn New york, until, and incident had us relocate, living with 6 other cousins and my sister, i became strong .. having a uncle who decided to touch on us for his own satisfaction brought me back to reality, after a while i felt alone my brother and sisters same dad different mom there full black. born to a Puerto Rican women, and bajan man, I was different, never considered black because when my hair gets wet its curly, and long. so i cut it off to start over. I never could understand why the black girls, disliked me. high school i had associates but never best friends, i had one, who's been there all along, began understanding things for what they were really worth. fell in love with a amazing person, who opened my eyes to what life and love was really about... despite , that i wasn't complete. I Watched my parents tear each other apart from fighting daily, clearing out furniture from never having anything to eat to being homeless , there was only one, person who was there god. my parents separated and for awhile, i watched my mother, go into depression, and eventually she she got into cocaine.. there was a point in time where my mother, wouldn't come home for days, i was afraid to tell anyone this is what it was. i pretended it was her just going out in partying, it wasn't, she was deep into it , and i tried to be in denial, i had to go to crack house to get my mother, June ,17,2009 i sat there holding her body cold, she promised me no more, and i believed it... for awhile i had the same clothes , had to work at the bowling alley and local hooters that my uncle owned... so that me and my mother could eat.. 18 working and trying to make ends meet, it got hard, the one person i loved, and were off and on, my father hated me, my mother struggling to maintain, i almost lost it all.. i almost let it go..
i finally let, go and decided to, be me Dec 1. i met her, though she isn't what i expected , she's still a life lesson, being naive i fell in love with, what i thought was her, i got into the whole I AM GAY clubbing hang out with the lesbians, becoming something i wasn't, had me in a room full of women who, didn't know much about me but wanted to hurt me, bruised ribs, busted lip.. broken heart, no money phone gone, i i sit here In September trying to find my self, not tied down... trying to find me you can say I'm gay, im hypocrite , i have a smart mouth but don't judge me until you know me.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Too whom it may concern

Your smile and laugh is one I can’t forget
You calm my soul and make my heart feel at peace;
Speaking of humorous things and lessons we can help or teach
Understand, I want nothing from you but to keep you around ,
if a day goes by without me hearing you my face begins to frown
You have become a daily regimen.
I want you by my side
Im not asking for forever,
But as long as you’re willing to ride
No need to get beside your self,This not natural for me at all,
Stepping out of element,
I feel 10 feet tall,
I don’t need to be afraid because, within me I have it all
I just want some there, unless, I almost trip and fall,
I can’t promise you anything but I know what i like,
Im not afraid to fight for this because even a friendship is fine, I’ve seen friendships and lovers drift away
I’ll be damned if it happens this time
Heartless has found her match
For a while now frozen cold, I’ve let the inside of me rot deep down into my soul, see I was once beaten by someone who sold, my mind body and spirit, just to help build there own. , I had some complications my heart started to beat slow, I couldn’t control the pain, I played dead for a while so no one would know... That my heart was pure, and my love is gold. See, they have awakened a beast and she has found her match, coming without a welcome, or even a name tag, she was so similar to me …. we were bound to connect like a missing puzzle piece, like a person, I’ve lost and couldn’t forget, she stitched my heart, and released my inner doves, she let me breath within her love she, captured, my heart still heartless but together we remain, both being hurt in our pass heartless we remain Never revealing our feelings to each other just living off, each others, peace…
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Pretty in Pearls

Friday, August 20, 2010
Beautiful Scars
The beauty of her was her innocence, her smile , being amused by barbies, swinging her long pigtails.. her father was the only man she loved. her mother was her everything.. they took her innocence away from her like a broken toy she loved so much ..without a warning the beauty of her being a child was gone, so she had to grow up , she became an adult at 10, she grew boobs at 12, she started her period way to early, mentally immature physically grown, while 16 and 17 years old's are losing there virginity because of puppy love , she's been ahead by years not because she wanted to
.. she's wiped an older mans sweat off of her at 7, a grown man, caressing her undeveloped body, not yet producing sperm, she's afraid her body tenses, she cant even fathom whats going on all she knows is that it hurts, she closes her eyes, as if she not there, dreaming of cotton candy, mommy, playing and laughing. Her tears go unnoticed baby girl was beautiful, even at her worse , shaking when he came around, never wanting to speak of it, because it was to painful. this women has grown she's beautiful tho scared, from being hurt in her past, her beauty is just not outside it comes from within, strong enough to, be in relationship to love to, being able have someone touch her sexually, with out her body tensing up as she once did, she no longer thinks that what she's been through as, painful more like a life lesson, these beautiful scars made her..they've made her smile, made her happy.. she doesn't make excuses for what happen.. she's comfortable in her own skin..embraces her
beautiful scars and all...
I wrote this because of someone who inspired me, as beautiful as she is and all she's been through i wrote it because of her, i want her to know she's appreciated.. i will forever respect her and no matter what . I look up to her as strong women not afraid to tell her story and be and existing women who has made it though an can smile, Mikkia i respect you not only for what you've seen but for who you are.. :) Your Beautiful inside and out.. _Uniquesoul

beautiful scars and all...


Fighting in this battlefield alone in my mind ,physically im claustrophobic ...they categorize me as weak because my heart can take much pain, who to blame, its so much more to it then what meets the eye , the war has started and the guns are drawn, do i fold or do i participate, pretending im not afraid, its unbearable you can see it in my face, feel it in my voice, my palms become sweaty understand i want nothing but, victory... easy never, scared sometimes.. i look deep into my self, an release !! ..its a battle within, the depths of me, ive lost the true essence of me, inside of others, and different feelings, there can only be one winner... Uniqueflow vs Uniquesoul.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
We Crucified Them

They Crucified them for their expression to stay sane, they called them crazy so it seemed they were inhumane, what made them any different, was it the fact that life hit harder or the fact that they fallen and cant get up, i cant say agree with the choices they made, but they found, substance to .. wipe the pain away for awhile, tho it controlled their life who am I to judge, ive seekeed for something to, numb my pain before does it make me, sick does it make me crazy, to confide in something, you know could kill you, is the risk it took ... to leave this horrible feeling be that as it may it broke up families, shattered love, ripped clothes, deteriorate teeth, lost of souls..we've all wanted to take away the pain at some point time, so why must we crucify those, who made there dreams a reality.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
My Child

My unborn child... i want you to know your worth
appreciate your gift..admire your beauty..
you are women or man and you are beautiful..
never settle with what society says follow your dreams.
i will sacrifice my life for your happiness
to my unborn child.. never expect anyone's bullshit
for you have a treasure within your self.. that you hold.
remember to be strong.. my unborn child..
i love you.. already
no need for introductions my love for you ..
already exist.. my heart yarns for you..
my unborn child...
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
What i came for
what i am here for to, laugh love live
to gain knowledge for those who've been
on this the journey before me to teach
my children that life isn't worth anything unless you fight,
to not base opinions upon looks but upon heart. to know god is love
im here for them, for those who have lost sense of guidance,
for those who can not be them selfs, for those who don't
realize how special they are, i want that challenge,
ive fought for so long within my self trying to find me,
and once i was complete, i could help thee
this is what i came for...
only god can judge me
to gain knowledge for those who've been
on this the journey before me to teach
my children that life isn't worth anything unless you fight,
to not base opinions upon looks but upon heart. to know god is love
im here for them, for those who have lost sense of guidance,
for those who can not be them selfs, for those who don't
realize how special they are, i want that challenge,
ive fought for so long within my self trying to find me,
and once i was complete, i could help thee
this is what i came for...
only god can judge me
Monday, March 29, 2010
Blinded by love
blinded by your love why ?
blinded by the things you say,
your warm embrace, the blanket
you put over my eyes
how you rubbed my thighs,
how you kissed me goodnight
why? i wanted this picture perfect love that resembles the movies
to have that happy ending where
we live,die, an cry together i wanted that.
i let reality go when it came to you,
my reality was my dream and my dreams became my reality why ?
was it your smile,
was it your voice. what was it ?
i was blinded as if i could only see you and me living happily, i
was blinded by love, by us. why
why did i sacrifice me to be we why ?
only heaven knows, and im going to
miss blinded by love god rest his soul
For my women..
my women, the strong, the weak and the brave,
the young ones who are raising young ones,
the strong persistence of a women who knows
what she wants and what she needs to succeed.
the ones who strive to raise greatness ,
the ones who give life to our future,
the ones our men adore
the ones some will give there life for
they rise, raising boys and turning them into men,
raising girls into women. she is what i want be a women
the word women seems to flow so fluently.. she
we as women must rise, not only for we but for me,
because being a real women it what i inspire to be.
the young ones who are raising young ones,
the strong persistence of a women who knows
what she wants and what she needs to succeed.
the ones who strive to raise greatness ,
the ones who give life to our future,
the ones our men adore
the ones some will give there life for
they rise, raising boys and turning them into men,
raising girls into women. she is what i want be a women
the word women seems to flow so fluently.. she
we as women must rise, not only for we but for me,
because being a real women it what i inspire to be.
Strong brotha...
my strong brotha
my sophisticated man
who is the epitome of what a man should be
the warm embrace against my delicate frame,
only a man can maintain.
he needs no introduction because his presence is felt ,
in his presence they melt.
Lord knows he's magnificent, he has to be heaven sent,
only god could create such a man so
eloquent. his eyes show his past an where he's came from,
the strength he holds is endless
a man without a doubt,
no barriers no chains
its the glow within his soul
his charm is not measurable.
he beholds the power of no other
he calm minds and saves
those who cant not save them self's.
my strong brotha
He is man and we need more where are they ?

my sophisticated man
who is the epitome of what a man should be
the warm embrace against my delicate frame,
only a man can maintain.
he needs no introduction because his presence is felt ,
in his presence they melt.
Lord knows he's magnificent, he has to be heaven sent,
only god could create such a man so
eloquent. his eyes show his past an where he's came from,
the strength he holds is endless
a man without a doubt,
no barriers no chains
its the glow within his soul
his charm is not measurable.
he beholds the power of no other
he calm minds and saves
those who cant not save them self's.
my strong brotha
He is man and we need more where are they ?
Monday, March 15, 2010
i owe my life to them
"We all take different paths in life, but no matter where we go, we take a little of each other everywhere."

my sister, best friend, backbone, therapist, comedian, phycologist, fighter,the sentences seem to just flow when it comes to veecut, she is definitely amazing i must say she has actually open my eyes to a lot of new things . lol. w. out vee my life would be more of bore. the things we do and the shit we say is so hilarious, she's the epitome of a best friend, she very protective of course && she looks out for my feelings . tho she doesn't always agree with my decisions i know she will always be here , ive always respected a women that can tell me the truth and that is vee , if im wrong she will let me know & for that i owe her my life.
Dontay young, my ex , my best friend, my first love, asshole, my defender.mhmm so i speak about dontay in so many different ways because we been friends, lovers, buddies for a very very long time & we've been threw alot & i knw he's done a lot and as well have i .but losing him as friend seems, like it would take alot more stress and negative energy and loosing apart of me. things didn't end nor did it leave off how i wanted it to but he will always be my best friend and no matter what i know he's trying to shield me rather than let me fall and for that i owe him my life

Dontay young, my ex , my best friend, my first love, asshole, my defender.mhmm so i speak about dontay in so many different ways because we been friends, lovers, buddies for a very very long time & we've been threw alot & i knw he's done a lot and as well have i .but losing him as friend seems, like it would take alot more stress and negative energy and loosing apart of me. things didn't end nor did it leave off how i wanted it to but he will always be my best friend and no matter what i know he's trying to shield me rather than let me fall and for that i owe him my life
these two are my backbone, for these two i would die, my life wouldnt be the same if it wasnt for u guys, vee and dontay i love u both very much
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About Me
- UniqueSoul
- my autobiography is my poetry. Anything else is just a footnotes