I sit here being ignored, i haven't been dusted in while, she has forgot about me, I no longer matter I have no use ..
she covers me with clothe because, what i was once used for is no longer needed ..
she pretends i don't exist ,
but still wants to keep me around for own selfish ways.
so she leaves me here too rust, foolishly,
there's no where for me to go.
My feet feel planted
they can all see the reflection in me ... its of her, i long to please her,
seeing her and only her i stay ..
while she see's him i see her ,
i try to add a lil shine to my smile so that maybe one day she see's me, or maybe i wont be just there,
waiting to be used longing for her attention or even just her TOUCH..
I'll wait no matter how many days..
months or years it takes i'll wait.. for that day when im no longer just a another Piece of Furniture....
I love this