she seems, easy to comprehend but, her ink resembles, flowers within each. imprint lies, her struggles, she resembles an angel, yet her eyes show pain her finger nails smell of marijuana, her teeth, rotted from meth, she resembles a beauty queen, if she only keeps her mouth shut, she hides behind her MAC makeup, which covers up the lesions on her skin, the black circles around her eyes, her pearls, are a gift from her mother, she refuses to let the drug, take from her, everything else is gone to the drug, as she sits on the floor of the hotel bathroom she lights a Newport, grabs her Prada purse lays it on the floor she, empties it all on the ground to trying to find some extra change. a make up bag, a broken iphone, a wallet, 2 dollars and 1o cents is all that's left she hasn't has her fix in days, she becoming more anxious by the minute, she cant sit still she's . just lost her job to this addiction , her drug dealer boyfriend, cant keep supplying her overwhelming habit so he left.. she has nothing, she has to make some kind of decisions, she cant take the pain, without any hesitations, she arises, runs a cold shower, washing every part of her beautiful body, trying not to look at her lesions she, gets out quickly , she looks at her self in the mirror, and watches as a tear sheds from her eye, she begins to apply her make up a lil extra then usual.. she slips on a black wig, she once used.. she finds a dress, somewhere in mess of clothes, and food bags in the hotel room, black yet short she slips it on slowly, she slips on her heels, grabs her prada bag and picks up the hotel key off the night stand..before she leaves she kisses her pearls and shuts the door, she walks down to the strip looking terrified, she didn't belong there. she stops at Eighth and Fremont its 11:11 she needs a wish, she realizes she not the only out there , she walks up an down the street, lifting up her skirt ... a man slowly creeps up to her in his honda then stops, he's chubby yet not fat bald but still has some hair, he smells of whisky and tobacco tipsy but not d

runk he tells her to get it in she does with ease, they slowly go down the corner, they negotiate a price, he wants everything, shes willing do anything to get her fix she agrees, as he leads her to the back seat, he caresses her thigh, then slowly begins to kiss her, she being in different mind state pays him no attention, he begins, to undress her, and undress him self also.. he begins to penetrate her, she felt nothing, mentally.. it lasted for only 4 mins, after they finished, she asked for her money laying in the backseat naked while he is laying on her left boob, tired as if he did some kind of 1o hour sex marathon, he lifts his head, and tells her im not finished, her being furious and already on edge she, yells, he slaps her. she try to fight back, he begins to choke her, holding on to her necklace, and her throat at the same time.. black mascara tears roll down her face, she cant scream, she cant breath, struggling to get away, she cant, he strikes her once more , and chokes her out until her dead body is purple in blue, being afraid an nervous , he drives her naked body to near dumpster, before throwing her in . he noticed the beautiful pearls, he rips them off her dead body.. grabs her quickly and just tosses her into the dumpster right along with her prada purse, he speeds off later giving the beautiful pears to his wife. she's been erased..she's lost her, mothers pearls to the drug, but also lost her life, her beauty didn't define her, the drugs did..